Psalms & Prayers

Tehillim, the Book of Psalms, are part of the Jewish Bible (Ketuvim) and have been used for centuries by many faith traditions. The 150 psalms, poems and songs reflect the full range of human experience — from the depths of anger and despair to the moments of awe and gratitude.

Central themes include songs of praise and thanksgiving, communal and personal laments, expressions of faith and doubt, and requests for Divine help.

Psalms are used in many ways; as part of daily and Yomtov prayer, in times of trouble and danger, as personal meditation, a source of comfort, and as part of ritual.

The reading of Psalms is viewed in Jewish tradition as a vehicle for gaining God's favor. Over the centuries, certain Psalms have become associated with particular events or uses. We read Psalms for healing of the sick. After death, recitation of Psalms by family and friends is thought to bring comfort to the soul in transition. At a funeral service, Psalms are read to bring forth Divine mercy for the deceased, and to help the mourners navigate their loss.

Psalms for Healing

Psalms as the Ultimate Self-Help Tool by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub

Mi Sheberach, prayer for the sick. Usually recited in the Synagogue, this prayer asks for Divine compassion and healing

Psalm 121 and 130, psalms for Healing.



At the Deathbed

Psalm 91, 121 and 130

What to Do When A Loved One is Dying by Dan Fendel


At the funeral

Psalms 23,91 for Shmira and funerals

El Malei Rachamim

The Mourners Kaddish


A Few Words from Leonard Lawrence

Music resonates with the Jewish people. Its power to uplift and console is unique. For those moments when music can help to fill a void in your life, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries has compiled a one-of-a-kind collection of inspirational music called Scores of Memory. We offer it as a gift to the family and friends of the community we serve.

Scores of Memory includes psalms, prayers and poems set to melodies both ancient and modern. The selections are composed and performed by celebrated and renowned musicians and cantors, rabbis and vocalists including Ernest Bloch, Shlomo Carlebach, Debbie Friedman, Craig Taubman, Roslyn Barak, RebbeSoul and David Paskin. There are nearly a dozen instrumentals and vocals that you can turn to for inspiration and comfort.

If you would like an additional copy of this music collection for a friend or family member, call 323-769-1398 or e-mail

Scores of Memory:


Mee Shebayrach

Esah Alnai

Angels Around Me


If I Only Had The Words

Mizmor lDavid

Mi Shebeirach

Jobs Niggun

